Custom theme

Custom Theme - 1


If you want to create your own theme in Less.js for EzGitDoc and start from existing template, it's recommended to use raw-dark theme since it was expanded with more constants and overrides most elements styles. Basicly, if you overwrite @primary-color variable, you will have most of the elements that appear on the page changed. Remaining constants and styles will still need to be polished in order to get better results.

If you've prepared your theme, simply import it to the EzGitDoc into head section.

<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="less/theme-yourThemeName.less">

Scroll until themes modal section or use CTRL-F key combination with "Themes Modal" phrase to quickly relocate to mentioned section. Inside modal's body add your theme adjusting class, onclick and title attributes.

<div class="theme-box theme-yourThemeName" onclick="setTheme('yourThemeName')" data-tooltip="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="YourThemeName"></div>

Finally, if you would like to share your results with others,
feel free to create pull request with your theme here